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Pantogar Tonic Men 100ml تونك بخاخ لعلاج تساقط الشعر للرجال

Regular price
19.750 JD
Regular price
0.000 JD
Sale price
19.750 JD

تونك الشعر المتكون من تركيز عالي من تركيبة بانتوقار لتحفيز نشاط جذور الشعر، بجانب الكافيين مادة البروكابل المميزة تقلل تساقط الشعر وتحسن مقاومة الشعر، للتونك رائحة لطيفة ولا يترك اثر لأي بقايا او جزيئات على الشعر او الفروة، بعد استخدام التونك بامكانك تسريح الشعر

ينصح باستخدام الشامبو مع التونك كعلاج متكامل، ولأفضل النتائج يجب الاستمرار على العلاج لمدة 3 اشهر على الاقل، المنتجين مناسبين للاستخدام اليومي ولجميع انواع الشعر

The leave-in hair tonic consists of an even higher concentration of the effective Pantogar® Growtect Formula for the activation of hair roots. Next to caffeine, the special ingredient Procapil reduces hair loss and improves the resistance of hair. The tonic has a pleasant smell and doesn’t leave any visible residues on the hair and scalp. After applying the leave-in treatment, you may style your hair in the usual way.

We recommend the complementary use of the Pantogar® shampoo and Pantogar® tonic.
For ideal results a usage of minimum 3 months is recommended. All of the products are suitable for daily use and every type of hair.

How To Use

يستخدم مرتين يوميًا
used twice daily

skin type

all hair types


Active ingredients Pantogar® Anti hair loss tonic for men:
Procapil™ is a special composition of active ingredients to reduce hair loss and is derived from natural ingredients. The innovative combination of a vitaminated matrikine with apigenin and oleanolic acid from olive tree leaves is known to help strengthen hair as well as improve the health of hair follicles. Procapil® targets the main causes of alopecia: poor scalp micro-circulation, follicle ageing and follicle atrophy caused by dihydrotestosterone.

Keratin wraps itself around the hair like a protective film. It protects against damage, improves stability and reduces hair breakage.

Caffeine penetrates into the hair follicles and promotes the microcirculation of the scalp. Thus it supports the nutrient supply of the hair root and has a positive influence on hair growth.

Biotin is an important vitamin for skin and hair. It supports a well-groomed scalp and strengthens the hair follicle.

Panthenol is well known as an effective care substance. With its regenerating properties, it soothes the scalp and provides it with moisture.

    Pantogar Tonic Men 100ml تونك بخاخ لعلاج تساقط الشعر للرجال
    Pantogar Tonic Men 100ml تونك بخاخ لعلاج تساقط الشعر للرجال

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