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Gerard's Re White Step2 Bikini Cream 150ml كريم مُفتح للمناطق الحساسة

Regular price
20.000 JD
Regular price
20.000 JD
Sale price
20.000 JD

كريم إجراء تبييض فوري على المناطق الحسية مفرطة التصبغ (البيكين ، تحت الإبط ، الركبتين ، المرفقين) على وجه التحديد إذا كان السبب مرضا جلديا مثل ACANTHOSIS NIGRICANS

Performing an immediate whitening action on the hyperpigmented sensetive areas (Bikin, under arm , knees,elbows)specifically if the cause was a cutaneous disease like ACANTHOSIS NIGRICANS.

How To Use

After cleansing apply the cream daily in the morning and evening, without massaging.


Ursine grape (Bearberry): anti-oxidant.
Grapefruit: anti-wrinkles as it contains strong anti-oxidants
Lemon: cleansing the skin as well as lightening it.
Linden: anti-inflammatory.
Yarrow: Stimulate regeneration of new skin cells


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